How to choose the most flattering eyebrows tattoo shape for your face?

Besides eyes, nose, and mouth, eyebrows are the most prominent features that make a stunning look. It holds such an important role that just changing the eyebrow shape a tiny bit can drastically transform the whole facial harmony.


Many people look for ways to change the shape of their eyebrows, for example, temporary practices like daily makeup or more permanent methods such as eyebrow embroidery. However, not everyone tattooed eyebrows that fit their face. Although, on their own, they look like the most beautiful eyebrows in the world, but when placed onto the face, it makes all the defects appear. Thus, not only does it not help the face look better, it also makes it a lot more unbalanced.


This is why the most important thing before getting the best eyebrow embroidery Singapore is to find a style that suits your face. If you can pick an eyebrow shape that fits you, even if it’s not the “hot-trend” eyebrow shape, your look can become much more complete. 

Don’t be so concerned! This article will help you to find the right eyebrow shape that best compliments your facial structure!

1.    If your face is oval shape:

Then congratulations to you for owning the face shape everyone dreams of. With this face shape, you can nail almost every hairstyle, makeup, or eyebrows. With this golden ratio face type, you have many options for eyebrow embroidery Singapore. In particular, willow eyebrows with small, softly angled arches are the perfect choices because they can help you achieve a more feminine appearance.

2. If your face is heart shape:

The characteristic of this face type is that the forehead is wide while the chin is narrow. Like a heart shape, basically well-introduced by its own name. By tattooing eyebrows in accordance with the face, you can help the total facial elements become more balanced. The most suitable option is long eyebrows in proportion to the forehead with a low top to allow the face to become fuller.

3. If your face is round shape:

If you are usually called “baby-face,” BINGO, you have a round face shape. This type of face is characterized by a length that is nearly equal to the width. To help this face shape become balanced, you should choose eyebrow shapes that can give more structure to the “roundness” of your face, such as brows with a high arch.


One important note for people with this face shape is to avoid tattooing thick and fluffy eyebrows as they highlight the width of the face and make the total appearance less elegant.


4. If your face is long shape:

Contrary to a round face shape, this type of face is more extensive in length than width. Along with that are features such as a narrow forehead, sunken cheekbones, and pointed chin. Yet, it totally doesn’t mean this face shape is less beautiful than any others. It’s all about how you can balance it out!


Tattooing flat, horizontal eyebrows extending towards the tip of the ear can create the width you need in order to emphasize your pretty features. Remember to stay away from high arches since they will lengthen your face even more. Doing eyebrows that make you look more unbalanced is the last thing you would like to do if you don’t want an eyebrow tattoo removal session in the near future.

5. If your face is square shape

People with square faces have an angular, defined jawline. This face shape is usually considered rough, hence, less feminine. Be that as it may, you have the jaws of high fashion models!

It is completely possible to embroider eyebrows to help the face become more balanced and soft. In this case, if the eyebrows have a high, curved arch, the overall facial will become much more elongated and attractive. However, be aware of having a low-dipped brows’ tail as it may drag your eye shape downward, creating a heavier look.

Now that you’ve determined which brow shape is perfect for you, it’s time to consult with the best eyebrow embroidery Singapore artist who can assist you in achieving your desired look.

The Brow and Beauty Boutique, a recognized beauty service provider for eyebrow embroidery in Singapore, is the way to go. We offer a broad choice of quality eyebrow embroidery treatments and a wide range of beauty services such as eyeliner tattoo Singapore, lip embroidery Singapore, hairline embroidery Singapore, and keratin lashlift Singapore. Reach out to our expert at The Brow and Beauty Boutique to have professional consultation for your best look!


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