Hair Regrowth Microneedling

Frustrated by thinning locks? Reclaim your confidence and embark on a transformative journey with our 3-Stage Process for Hair Loss Reversal—a scientifically proven approach designed to stop hair loss, promote regrowth, and maintain thick, healthy strands.

  • Embark on a journey to naturally halt hair loss with proven lifestyle changes, daily scalp massages, and targeted serums. We want to first create the optimal environment for your natural hair to thrive.

  • Experience the scientifically proven magic of microneedling—a safe and effective procedure that stimulates blood circulation and activates dormant follicles. This key element in our regrowth strategy enhances the absorption of specially formulated serums, promoting collagen production and alleviating scalp tightness and inflammation. Witness the resurgence of tiny, healthy hair strands within a few sessions.

  • Sustain your newfound confidence with our holistic approach to maintaining, thickening, and strengthening your revitalized hair. Our supplementation, head massage techniques, and lifestyle modifications fortify your hair from within, creating an environment where even more natural growth thrives.

Promote Hair Regrowth with Microneedling

Enter the exciting phase of hair rejuvenation with our cutting-edge microneedling technique, a scientifically proven, safe, and effective procedure performed every 7-21 days. This process stimulates blood circulation, activates hair follicles, and boosts collagen production, laying the perfect foundation for regrowth. Combined with our red-light pulse therapy, scientifically proven to extend the growth phase of hair cycles, and our in-house Regrow Hair Serum, witness a resurgence of tiny hair strands within the first 4-6 sessions.

Microneedling - A Key Element in the Scientifically Proven Regrowth Journey

Microneedling isn't just a procedure; it's a pivotal aspect of our regrowth strategy, scientifically proven to create micro-channels that stimulate blood circulation, activate dormant follicles, and enhance the absorption of our specially formulated regrowth serums. This innovative procedure involves creating tiny skin punctures, activating a cascade of effects that promote hair rejuvenation. Microneedling enhances blood circulation to the scalp, ensuring optimal oxygen and nutrient delivery to hair follicles. It directly stimulates dormant follicles, encouraging them to enter the growth phase and fostering the development of new, healthy strands.

Moreover, microneedling creates micro-channels that temporarily boost the absorption of topical treatments, maximizing their impact. By promoting collagen production and alleviating scalp tightness and inflammation, this procedure contributes to a healthier environment for robust hair growth.

Who is Suitable for microneedling

Trigger hair growth & regain your confidence with the Brow & Beauty Boutique’s Proven hair regrowth Microneedling

Why The Brow & Beauty Boutique Hair loss reversal works

  • Natural Rejuvenation: BBB's approach taps into your body's natural ability to rejuvenate and regrow hair, giving you the chance to rediscover your natural locks.

  • Minimize Invasiveness: Surgery is a significant step. Start with BBB's non-invasive methods, allowing you to explore less intrusive alternatives before committing to surgical procedures.

  • Scientifically Proven Results: BBB's approach is backed by science, offering a proven track record of success in promoting natural hair regrowth.

What to expect

1) Consultation on Hairline and Problem Areas:

Your microneedling journey starts with a personalized consultation. Our experts will meticulously assess your hairline and discuss specific concerns related to hair loss or thinning. This in-depth discussion ensures a tailored approach to address your unique needs and achieve optimal results.

2) Application of Serum:

Before the microneedling procedure begins, a specialized serum will be delicately applied to your scalp. This serum is specially formulated to prepare your skin for the microneedling process, enhancing its effectiveness and promoting a conducive environment for hair regrowth.

3) Microneedling Procedure Commences:

The microneedling procedure kicks off with precision and expertise. Using a fine-tipped device, tiny micro-channels are created on the scalp (from 0.5mm to 1.5mm), stimulating the natural healing response. This process encourages blood circulation, activates dormant hair follicles, and facilitates the absorption of the applied serum, promoting overall scalp health.

4) Red Light Exposure for Regrowth:

Following microneedling, you'll experience the regenerative benefits of red light exposure. This scientifically proven therapy stimulates hair follicles, extends the growth phase of the hair cycle, and activates the mitochondria for enhanced scalp cell revitalization. Red light exposure complements the microneedling process, amplifying its regrowth potential.

5) Post Procedure Review + Aftercare Kit:

After the microneedling session, you'll have a post-procedure review with our experts. This allows us to assess the immediate results, address any concerns, and provide guidance on the next steps. Additionally, you'll receive an aftercare kit which includes a specialized regrowth serum and a scalp-stabilizing shampoo (men only). These products are designed to enhance the effects of microneedling, promote ongoing hair health, and stabilize the scalp environment.